
2-3 MAY 2016 , OSLO NORWAY


flatMap(Oslo) is a functional programming conference
with focus on Scala and the Java Virtual Machine

Who's writing the code: you or your IDE?


What if there was an IDE that could write code for you? That'd be great for sure, but unfortunately, as smart as they are, modern IDE can't do that for you yet. Luckily, there's Scala Plugin, that, when used together with IntelliJ IDEA, can help you to be as productive as possible, and well, gets you quite close to that self coding dream IDE.

How do I not waste energy on routine tasks and focus on the most important concepts of my Scala program? How can I save time and write less boilerplate code? We will answer both these and other questions in our talk. We will solve real world challenges quickly and efficiently using numerous features like live templates, while showing handy tips and tricks in action.

Participants of this workshop will learn about useful refactorings, navigation, completion, and other features, as well as how to use them via handy keyboard shortcuts (which is guaranteed to put your mouse to rest.) Forget about routine coding with IntelliJ IDEA and Scala Plugin!

We are going to learn about Intellij IDEA and Scala plugin by improving this project. It will save us a lot of time if you clone and import the project before the workshop. Although, the project is made using Spray toolkit, no prior knowledge of Spray is required.


Kate got Master's degree in Software Engineering from St Petersburg Academic University. She works on Scala Plugin at JetBrains.


Do you want to sponsor flatMap(Oslo)?

Send an email to flatmap@arktekk.no