flatMap(Oslo) 2016 will be at Teknologihuset - House of Communities.
Teknologihuset is located in Pilestredet 56, not far from the Oslo city center.
On Wednesday the 4th of May, the day after flatMap(Oslo), there will be a one day Typelevel Summit including talks, discussion and hacking, focussed on the Typelevel family of projects.
The summit is open to all, not just current contributors to and users of the Typelevel projects, and we are especially keen to encourage participation from people who are new to them.
Whilst many of the Typelevel projects use somewhat "advanced" Scala, they are a lot more approachable than many people think, and a major part of Typelevel's mission is to make the ideas they embody much more widely accessible.
So, if you're interested in types and pure functional programming, want to make those ideas commonplace and are willing to abide by the Typelevel code of conduct, then this is the place for you and we'd love to see you there.